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Become a Member Today

Explore Our Different Membership Options:

Art Lover - $40

  • Receives invitations to member only events. 
  • Reduced member pricing to fee-based events including the Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • Listed on the website and in our gallery guide.
  • To take part as an artist in AAI Events, Artist Lover members would need to upgrade to Artist Level.  

Artist Member - $60

  • Receives invitations to member only events.
  • Reduced member pricing to fee-based events including the Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • Listed on the website and in our gallery guide.
  • Artist Members may compete or show their work in AAI sponsored member shows and in the AAI Gallery.
  • (We do NOT accept commercial, manufactured, mass produced, imported, or purchased for resale artwork.)

Art Gallery - $300

  • Art Gallery members are Idyllwild galleries whose primary line of business is that of an art gallery featuring art by local artists.
  • In addition Art Lover Membership benefits, they receive two complimentary tickets to our annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting and VIP Event. They may bundle two Artist members at no additional cost and are featured on our gallery guide map. Gallery must be located in Idyllwild area, have a business license, be open year-round on weekends, and be the actual business owner.
  • Pre-approval required.

Art Hot Spot - $300

  • Art Hot Spot members are local Idyllwild businesses who are not art galleries but do feature local art for sale in their business.
  • In addition to the Art Lover benefits, they receive two complimentary tickets to our annual Art Walk & Wine Tasting and VIP Events. They may bundle two artists at no additional cost and are featured on our gallery guide map. Business must be located in Idyllwild area, have a business license, be open year-round on weekends, and be the actual business owner. Pre-approval required.

Non-profit Membership - FREE

One named representative of Idyllwild based Non-Profit Organizations may be granted the benefits of Art Lover membership at no cost. Pre-approval required.

Patron Inn - FREE

In exchange for a donation of two one-night stays during a calendar year, a Patron Inn receives Art Lover member benefits plus two complimentary tickets to our annual Art Walk & Wine Tasting and VIP Events. They are listed in our gallery guide and on the website. Patron Inns must be in the Idyllwild area. Membership requires approval by AAI Board.

Patron Winery - FREE

Patron Wineries participate in and donate wine to our Annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting event, which gives Wineries perks during the weekend event, a listing on our website, and social media promotion during the months leading into the annual event. They also receive Art Lover Member benefits

Explore Our Different Sponsor Options:

sapphire SPONSOR - $100

  • Receives invitations to member only events.
  • Reduced member pricing to fee-based events including the Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • Listed on the website and in our gallery guide.
  • Sapphire Sponsors receive one complimentary ticket to our annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • If an artist, they receive all the benefits of an Artist Member.


  • Receives invitations to member only events.
  • Reduced member pricing to fee-based events including the Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • Listed on the website and in our gallery guide.
  • Emerald Sponsors receive 2 complimentary ticket to our annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting and 2 free invitations to the VIP Event.
  • They may bundle one additional Artist Member under their membership.

ruby SPONSOR - $500

  • Receives invitations to member only events.
  • Reduced member pricing to fee-based events including the Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • Listed on the website and in our gallery guide.
  • Ruby Sponsors receive 2 complimentary ticket to our annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting and 2 free invitations to the VIP Event.
  • They may bundle two additional Artist Member under their membership.
  • They also receive a 50% discount on artist workshops and, if requested, may be listed on the sponsor list at AWWT.

Diamond Sponsor - $1000

  • Receives invitations to member only events.
  • Reduced member pricing to fee-based events including the Art Walk and Wine Tasting.
  • Listed on the website and in our gallery guide.
  • Diamond Sponsors receive 4 complimentary ticket to our annual Art Walk and Wine Tasting and 4 free invitations to the VIP Event. They may bundle two additional Artist Member under their membership.
  • They also receive a 50% discount on artist workshops and, if requested, may be listed on the sponsor list at AWWT.