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HomeMajor Sponsors


In addition to raising our own funds to help our local arts community, the AAI works with a few major sponsors to increase the scope and reach of our efforts.

Ruth and Joseph Reed Foundation 

We would like to thank the Ruth and Joseph Reed Foundation for the many grants that have allowed us to encourage the children of Idyllwild to appreciate and take part in artistic endeavors, in particular:
  • Multiple scholarship grants to Idyllwild Arts Academy Summer School each year
  • Art Kit Giveaways for local children over the Christmas period
The Ruth & Joseph C. Reed Foundation for the Arts was founded by Ruth Reed to create new, and support existing, hands-on art experience programs for teens and pre-teens in underserved and at-risk communities, across Southern California

Their Mission is simple:


To provide access to arts education and experiences inside or outside of school for high-school age and younger students through funding for educational initiatives and arts experiences.

To help ensure that children, particularly at-risk populations, have access to the arts.

To expand cultural awareness of the emerging arts.

Idyllwild Community

Our other major sponsor is the Idyllwild Community Fund who have generously given to support the AAI in our efforts to encourage art in locals and visitors to Idyllwild:
  • Art Kit Giveaways for local children over the Christmas period
  • Financial support to the AAI Gallery and Visitor Center

The Idyllwild Community Fund (ICF) originated in 1995 with an initial, anonymous donation of $10,000 to benefit the community of Idyllwild.  In 1996, ICF became associated with The Inland Empire Community Foundation (IECF) providing guidance and assistance in the management of endowments and the granting process.  Since 1999, the ICF has granted over $300,000, all distributed to Idyllwild organizations in keeping with the original intent of the founders.